La Cabane d’Arpitettaz (2’786m)

So at some point in the summer, I was asked to join in on a trip to Switzerland. I browsed for award flights, found some, and booked them!

Thus, Swiss2k17 was born. The itinerary was as follows:

  1. Show up!
  2. Meet the party in Lucerne!
  3. Travel to Zinal to do some hikes to huts!
    1. Cabane d’Arpitettaz (2’786m)
    2. Cabane du Grand Mountet (2’886m)
  4. Split up and travel to Saas Fee to try to nab some 4000m peaks
  5. Do other Swiss things!
  6. Meet back up for a night Zurich

Mary, Sara, and I were all on the same flight to Zurich, and we met in London at various times. Once we arrived, we grabbed our rental car, finagled our way through a nav system that had just come from Israel, and drove to our campsite in Lucerne. We found the rest of the party easily (Amanda+Daniel, and Colleen+Patrick), pitched our camp, and all passed out. We spent the next morning browsing the sights of Lucerne!

We found the raddest of gear shops.

^The jet lag was strong. Nap times were had!

After we saw the things, we hit the road for Zinal!

We stopped in Bern for a few hours and found lunch. We walked around for a bit, and then hit the road again

We got to Zinal in the evening, made our way to the campsite, and made camp. The next morning, we drove to the trailhead, and hit the trails!

Sara met a friendly cow

^Not sure if she checked the appropriate box on her customs form though… 😛

So here we are, in the Zinal Valley. We were headed to the Cabane d’Arpitettaz for the night! the La Navisence River runs in the background.

We came across some tiny homes in the valley, presumably for the Club Alpin Suisse folks that take care of the area.

Gettin’ high!

Selfie stop at Lac d’Arpitetta!

Alpine lakes! the Arpitetta Valley! Glacial cirques! the Swiss Alps! <3 <3 <3

After our short break we continued on our way!

The views grew wider with views of Weisshorn, Schalihorn, Pointe Sud de Moming, Zinalrothorn, Blanc de Moming, and Besso; forming the east and south sides of the cirque at the head of the Arpitetta valley.

To the south were views of the Pigne de la Le, the Grand Cornier, Dent Blanche, and Pointe de Zinal rising along the west side of the Zinal Valley.

Looking back at the Zinal Valley

After a few hours, we made it to the cabin! Mary wanted this shot..


So the hut! it was by far the nicest mountain hut that I’ve stayed in! The bunks were comfy, the bathrooms were super nice, the dining room was legit, and the views were top notch. The food wasn’t as good as the refugios in the Dolomites… but I guess one can’t have it all 😛

Let’s be honest, you can’t really complain about showing up to a hut with a light pack, and orderin this grub from the kitchen!

We spent the afternoon and evening chattin, eatin, drinkin, learnin new card games, and having a ball.

This sunset capped the great day on the trails!


Convo of the day:
Me: I’m wanna brush my teeth
Mary: I’m not gonna brush my teeth
Sara: Me either
Sara: Be a rebel, Joshua

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