
For Mother’s Day Weekend, the class outing was in the Tatoosh Range!

We drove into Rainier the night before and hung out in a cabin just outside of the park. We baked cookies and watched The Rock.

The next morning, we slept in until 5am, and then met our instructors at the visitor center. Our goal for the day was to reach Unicorn Peak, and maybe bag a second peak if we finished early.

The hike started form the Snow Lake trailhead. After we passed the lakes, we left the trail, and started hiking up

A few miles later, we were at the summit block of Unicorn, and the sun was burning off the morning clouds! Will led the classic route to set the ropes up.

Showin’ off his moves

Leonard cleaning the route and setting up a second rope for “The Roof” route

Here’s most of the team on the summit! with views of the way we came, and Mt. Adams! Also, check out that anchor!

Looking north from the summit! and getting a good look at the peak for our graduation climb (lil T)…


Two of our instructors had actually left to scope out Boundary Peak. They ended up bagging that and set up a fixed line. They radioed over, and told us to meet them. So, we rappelled down, and made our ways towards them

Drop your packs and c’mon down! Y’all are the next contestants for baggin’ Boundary Peak!

Boundary Peak summit selfie! Happy Mother’s Day!!!!!!

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