Refuge Albert Première

The next day, Abbie was feeling a little better. We packed up the Airbnb, went to the bakery, and then got on the bus to Le Tour!

We waited for the lifts to open, took our ride to the top of the hill, and started towards Refuge Albert-1er!

The alpine meadows were stunning

The views of Aiguille du Chardonnet…

…with the morning light


Still a bit to go…

We eventually got to the moraine

And then it was a long march up a ridge of rocks to the hut. It was HOT out by this point in the day…

We eventually made it!

We ate lunch

I wanted beer…

Then we kept moving to the Glacier du Tour

…and realized we got there too late. Despite the glacier being dry this time of year, a group coming in advised against trying to cross the Col Supérieur du Tour, especially at this point in the day. One climber said it was just a pile of choss, and a shooting galley of loose rock. This would foreshadow events on the following day… but we talked about it, and agreed that we should stay the night at Albert-1er, and wait for more stable conditions the next morning.

The accommodations for the night. Not bad, eh? Abbie mentioned she wasn’t feeling well, so the unscheduled stop was probably for the better.

Lillian and I decided to walk around the glacier and take photos. This boulder was probably a V2 in boots 😛



The hut!

Dinner that night was fish, and stewed veggies. It was pretty spectacular.


I love the Alps

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