
I’m tired but not sleepy. I think…

After a 1-week battle that started in Western Europe, crossed over Iceland, Greenland, Northern Canada, and into the USA, I’ve surrendered to superior force that is jet lag. My landlord suggests I just drug myself and be done with it all… for now I’m locked in a cell of circadian confusion.

At least I have internet and YouTube is streaming Coachella!
Kanye West is the current performer.

The previous week marked the first trip of 2011. Paris! This was my first trip to Europe. Air transport was provided by Isabelle and Zoé:

UD seating is nice:

Zoé bathing in the London sun:

WOW, Kanye cannot dance…
*I feel much better all of a sudden*

Anywho, the man sent me to Paris to get some work done. The first three days were spent in a haze of conference rooms, calcium fortified bottled “still” water, pastries, room temperature juice, spoken French and Japanese (which will now be referred to as Jrench), drawings, and sleepy metro trips. Slices of freedom were spent near the hotel, and the top three tourist spots:

Some thing they had in a middle of a roundabout:

Where Tom Hanks tried to prove Catholicism was a hoax? or something?

Some tall pointy structure similar to the Space Needle or CN Tower:

Fatigue had removed any potential interest while standing in front of these landmarks… My thoughts during the first three days:

-What time is it?
-Have I eaten yet?
-What is “French” food?
-French fries *DO* count, right?
-I hope this is the right train…
-Did Kanye just change clothes?
-Why are these coffee cups so small?!
-Why is everyone so beautiful?!
-Crap, I missed my stop…
-This city is ALL HYPE.

Friday came along and I had most of the day free to explore… and I remembered the email a friend had sent. I wrote down all the spots she recommended and set out to explore. This’ll rest will be written later.

Time to counter-attack the oppressor.

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